Sunday, February 19, 2017

My Car (originally published 16 March 2016)

Tonight I had a conversation with someone who labelled moral outrage as emotionally immature. As someone who is often outraged by injustice, I felt judged-a definite trigger for me. As I examined my feelings, and my 35+ years of activism and social justice work, I was able to identify that outrage is only one piece of what motivates me. It's the spark plug that creates the ignition needed to drive the engine. I would say compassion, empathy, and a desire for justice combine to create the engine. Love is the fuel. Without all of these elements, the car won't drive. Creativity and hope make the car fun to drive. It will drive without them, but the drive is so much more enjoyable with them on board.
I don't want to eliminate any of these elements. I need them all. Sometimes outrage is uncomfortable. It contains anger and anger can feel overwhelming. However, as long as there is injustice, I would never want to trade my outrage for a more pleasant emotion. I need that engine to start so that I can continue on the journey. I also need compassion, empathy, love, creativity, and hope--in fact, in greater measure.
I dream of a just world. I dream of no longer needing the spark of outrage -of living in a world where my car could be forever parked in a beautiful meadow while we all danced around it. Until that day, I will continue to drive, grateful that the fuel is unlimited, and also good for the earth.

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